A. 全自動感應便蓋 Sensor Toilet Seat The cover will automatically hands- free open once the sensor facility detect your presence, and close in 90 seconds after leaving. 當感應人體時,自動開啟 便蓋;無人使用後約 90 秒 自動關閉便蓋。 E. 溫風烘乾功能 溫風溫度可調整: 高、中、低三段控制 Adjustable Warm Drying Function Regular : room temperature Low : 35°C Middle : 37.5°C High : 40°C F. 全自動便器沖洗功能 Auto Flushing The sensor device will detect the presence when being seated, and then flush in 10 seconds after leaving manual flushing is also available. 感知器感應人體,離座後 10 秒自動沖洗便器。 自動記憶前次使用設定。 D. 動力自動除臭 活性碳除臭裝置: 入座時,自動除臭 3 分鐘。 離座時,自動除臭 1 分鐘。 遙控器強制除臭 3 分鐘。 Built-in Air Purifying Device Active carbon air purifying 3 minutes auto-run after seated 1 minutes auto-run after leaving 3 minutes auto-run after leaving C. 全方位遙控感應 Removable Wireless Control Panel HCG collects all the functions of superlet on this removable panel for customer convenience. 無線遙控器採用液晶面板 設計,全功能操作簡易。 B. 便座接觸式著座設計 Touch And Trigger Bidet Bidet functions will only be triggered when the seat is occupied.The seat and cover has been specially designed to be wider,as it provides better comfort to its user. 當著座時,溫水前後洗淨功 能即可啟動,特殊比例的座墊, 提供超乎想像的舒適感。 SMART DESIGN , FOR YOUR RELAXATION 智慧設計,讓您享受最舒適的私密時光 Point 1 Superlet Series 超級馬桶系列 27
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