Page 74 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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public real estate that is not publicly used by long-term care services institutions" were set.
(3) Long-term care personnel management: "Regulations for the Training, Certification, Continuous Education Program and Registration Conditions for Long-term Care Personnel" set, providing complete long-term care services; stipulating the training that carers should have, contents of certification and other courses and their procedure and other matters; also, for matters that foreign in-home care workers should comply with, the Regulation for the supplementary training of foreigners engaged in in-home care work.
(4) Long-term care services resources development: The Regulations Governing Subsidies and Rewards for Long-term Care Services Resource Development have been formulated, providing subsidies and rewards and methods for the development of various long-term care resources, with subsidies and rewards given on a priority base to offshore islands, remote areas, indigenous areas and other areas lacking long-term care resources.
▏Section 2 Care Management
In order to provide people with a single window for long-term care services application, assessment and approval, care plans formulation and approval and linking and conveying of long- term care services, the MOHW has subsidized the establishment of a Long-Term Care Management Center by each municipal government which have recruited professional care personnel and has established care management center branch in indigenous areas, on outlying islands and in remote areas as announced by the MOHW. The deployment situation is shown in Figure 5-1.
In order to improve the availability of care managers at Long-Term Care Management Centers, the MOHW is implementing the following measures:
1. Revising qualification requirements and pay levels for Long-Term Care Management Centers(LCMC) personnel in the hope that better remuneration will attract more people to get on board. Meanwhile, higher starting salaries are offered to recruit and retain talent in remote areas.
2. Increasing care manpower deployment of every local government: as of the end of 2021, the number of approved care personnel was 1,704 (including 1,464 care managers, and 240 care supervisors)
Through the establishment of Long-term Care Management Centers and Branch Offices and the replenishment and retention of care management personnel, the applications for long-term care services were 182,147 in 2021. In 2021, there were 388,866 people who received the long-term care services, which was an 8.79% increased compared to the 357,457 people in 2020. The average processing duration between the submission of application by the people to the actual visit at the applicants home has been reduced to within 1.33 days on average.
Chapter 2 The Long-Term Care Resource Development
▏Section 1 Service System and Resource Integrated Development
1. Community care service networks
To develop a community-based integrated care service model, Long-term Care 2.0 promotes the community overall care system with cultivating community integrated services centers (A) expanding combined service center (B) and widely establishing LTC stations around the blocks (C)as the principle. City/ county governments have been encouraged to work with long-term care, medical care, nursing and social welfare units. The Ministry plans to establish 469 integrated service

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