Page 102 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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▏Section 2
1. Expand the scope of inspection items and
Food Management at the Source
contained dairy products to the EU, retorted or canned beef and meat products to New Zealand, and milk products stored at ambient temperature to Canada.
reinforce border control
(1) Inspection of items underwent revision in 2021; an accumulated 2,694 of imported goods must undergo border inspection before import.
(2) Fishery products from Thailand, Australia, and Canada gained approval through systematic inspection by TFDA. Fishery products manufactured in approved facilities from these countries can apply for import inspection with TFDA.
(3) In 2021, 594 samples of outer and inner packaging of imported frozen meat products, fishery products and fruits underwent testing for COVID-19 virus, all of which turned out negative.
(4) In 2021, approximately 715,968 batches of food and related products were inspected; noncompliant products were returned or destroyed in accordance with pertinent regulations.
2. Actively assist food businesses to export food products and gradually expand overseas markets
In 2021, TFDA continued to assist food businesses exporting their products, including export of shelf-stable composite products that
▏Section 3
Monitoring the Food Safety Chain
Table 7-2 Results of Post-Market Surveillance of Food, 2021
1. TFDA has been implementing post-market monitoring plan with the results shown in Table 7-2.
2. Inspection of Sampling Test Project
Specific inspection random sampling is used for high violation, high risk and high concern items. Also, in response to COVID-19, food businesses are urged to implement factory health management inspection and enhance self-epidemic prevention measures. In 2021, 45 food inspection special projects were completed. Domestic businesses were inspected 139,400 times. The compliance rate for GHP repeat inspections was over 90%; 52,000 food and related product inspections and sample testing were carried out, with a compliance rate of 99%.
3. In order to increase the safety of imported food, border import inspection control and post-market enhanced inspection of imported products and poultry, livestock and aquatic products is carried out. Monitoring was enhanced for agricultural products with high non-compliance rate. The compliance rate in 2021 was 99.1%.
  Surveillance Items
 Samples Taken
 Conforming Cases
 Compliance (%)
 Pesticide residues
Veterinary drug residues
Heavy metals
Source : Taiwan Food and Drug Administration

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