Page 115 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 115

  Chapter 5 Consumer Protection and Communication
Through the new communication channels, by means of "offline to online" new media marketing methods, the safety risk education and governance messages were circulated, and a new health education and policy marketing model was established, in an attempt to achieve effective policy advocacy.
▏Section 1 Keeping Consumers Informed
1. The "Articles of Food and Drugs" website was established to provide information and knowledge on food and medicine, while continuing to collect and clarify the rumors. As of the end of 2021, there are over 450 articles and a total of over 5.21 million viewers. The TFDA collected rumors and provided clarification through the "Food and Drugs Rumor Buster" section on its official website. In this section, 495 messages were released, with more than 65.32 million hits and articles being referenced for more than 3,200 times by the media. The latest health education information was posted on the Facebook fan page "TFDA" with more than 120,000 followers. The TFDA LINE@ official account was established to disseminate accurate information, and clarify rumors timely.
2. TFDA has set up the "New Psychoactive Substance" section on its website for the general public. People can find information such as the latest situation of new psychoactive substance inspection in Taiwan, the list of accredited institutions for drug abuse urine testing, the list of illegal drugs that can be tested by using urine sample rapid test kits, and the monthly/annual "Drug Abuse Cases and Testing Statistics" report.
▏Section 2 Consumer Communication and Dissemination
1. In 2021, the national food safety hotline (1919) and the "For-the-People Service" hotline (02- 27878200) have provided food consultation and reporting services over 64,000 calls. The user satisfaction rate exceeded 80%.
2. In 2021, TFDA collaborated with 13 non- governmental organizations and hosted a total of 222 sessions on drug abuse prevention. Moreover, TFDA has created an online game "drug-free and proud" and worked with 2 KOLs popular with young followers on Facebook and Instagram for propagating health effects of drugs abuse and sharing the game, which attracting a total of 13,095 players. The share posts reached a total of 534,258 people.
3. In 2021, a total of 107 drug safety seminars were organized to share correct drug information with about 26,000 participants from communities and schools.
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Management of Food and Drugs

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