Page 128 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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2. Living assistance for vulnerable children and youth: A subsidy amounting to NTD 2,047- 2,479 is granted each month to children and youth in hardship from middle-low income households; children and youth, as well as their offspring, in hardship resulting from pregnancies or births; children and youth evaluated by competent authorities of the county (city) government to be nurtured without supportive capabilities, to have no legal supporters or that their living is not be supported by legal supporters. In 2021, a total of 115,978 children received a total allowance of over NTD 2,423,920,000 accumulatively.
3. Emergency living assistance for children and youth from vulnerable families: Emergency living assistance of NTD 3,000 is granted monthly to disadvantaged children and youth in hardship, from vulnerable families, with emergency financial difficulty, or requiring childcare. In 2021, a total of 3,567 children and youth were subsidized with over NTD 57,280,000 in total.
4. National Health Insurance Subsidies for Children and Youth from middle-low-income Families: The children and youth under 18 years old from middle-low-income families were subsidized for national healthcare insurance. As of the end of 2021, there were 107,010 person-times benefiting from the subsidies totaling more than NTD 774,090,000.
5. Medical Subsidies for Children under 3 Years Old: Part of the clinic (emergency) charges and hospitalization expense were automatically reduced for national health insured children under 3 years old during their doctoral visits. As of the end of 2021, the subsidies were offered to 6,591,965 person-times and exempted their parents from the burden of more than NTD 1,444,941,000 in payments.
6. Medical Subsidies for Disadvantaged Children and Youth: In order to provide children from disadvantaged families with suitable health care, payment assistance was offered for NHI arrears; intervention, training, and evaluation fees for children with developmental delays; nursing fees during hospital stays; and copayments. There were 8,840 recipients of subsidies totaling more than NTD 142,400,000.
ā–¸Section 2 Protecting the Interests and Rights
1. According to the Implementation Act of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), MOHW put forward the second CRC national report on November 19, 2021. The MOHW planned to conduct the second review meeting in November, 2022.
2. Establishing a multidisciplinary communication platform: The Executive Yuan and the MOHW established task teams. Ministries and agencies representatives, NGOs, expert scholars, and child and juvenile representatives regularly held meetings, and promoted children and youth welfare policies, safety, and convention implementation of the CRC. More than half of meeting attendees were NGOs, expert scholars, and child and juvenile representatives, who ensured policy and implementation procedures take into account the views of practical workers, children, and juveniles.
3. Safeguard the rights and interests of children of undocumented migrant workers in Taiwan: Supervise local governments to protect the right of children of undocumented migrant workers with special needs to education, adoption and medical care. There were a total of 466 cases in 2021 with 334 closed. 132 are continuing to be followed up.
4. Promoted children and youth's human rights and improved children and youth's development and social participation
(1) In 2021, a total of 14 NGOs were subsidized to implement projects and organized events for promoting and developing the rights of children and youth in collaboration with the local governments. 20,089 person-times in total were benefited.
(2) The Taiwan Girls Day of 2021 had the theme of "Yes, Girls! Let's create the future!". The MOHW conducted an adolescent survey, online live forums, short video clips, and advocacy events. We promoted the concepts of value and investment of girls, and called for all circles to implement gender equality. We received 1,868 Taiwan adolescent questionnaires in return. 62% were from girls, and 38% boys. There were 24,000 clicks in the online live forums.

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