Page 176 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 176

  Taiwan-Philippines Regenerative Medicine and Epidemic Prevention Online Conference
ā–¸Section 4 Internationalization of medical services
1. Background:
We tried to display the advantages of our medical care services and quality of care through promoting the internationalization of medical care services so as to advance the development of our medical industry and increase international competitiveness.
2. Goal:
To coach hospitals to establish their key strengths, to develop medical brands, to provide diversified medical services, and to cooperate with professionals from different industries so as to expand the innovative strategies for the future medical industry.
3. Achievements:
(1) The "Taiwan Task Force for Medical Travel" has been founded as the platform for information exchange and experience sharing. 119 organizations have been coached to establish a foreigner-friendly environment.
(2) Figure 12-3 shows the number of people receiving international medical services and the output value from 2008 to 2021.
Signed an MOU with Liceo De Cagayan University, Philippines
(3)The MOHW's Directions for the Management of Medical Institutions Handling Applications by Foreign Nationals for Medical Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic came into effect on August 1, 2020. Of the 879 applications filed thereafter during the year, 368 applicants had entered the country.
(4) Maintaining the Taiwan Medical Travel portal with six language options: traditional Chinese, English, simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Melayu. As of the end of 2021, it accumulated more than 24.02 million views.

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