Page 187 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 187

Disease Total Indigenous Case Imported Case
  Acute Hepatitis, Unspecified 0 0 0
Mumps4 404 - -
Legionnaires' Disease 351 350 1
Invasive Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Infection 1 1 0
Neonatal Tetanus 0 0 0
Enteroviruses Infection with Severe Complications 0 0 0
 Herpesvirus B Infection 0 0 0
Leptospirosis 80 80 0
Melioidosis 21 21 0
Botulism 0 0 0
Invasive Pneumococcal Disease 194 194 0
Q Fever 9 9 0
Endemic Typhus Fever 30 30 0
Lyme Disease 2 0 2
Tularemia 1 1 0
Scrub Typhus 292 292 0
Complicated Varicella 44 44 0
Toxoplasmosis 17 17 0
Severe Complicated Influenza 1 1 0
Brucellosis 0 0 0
Listeriosis 157 157 0
Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome6 0 0 0
Rift Valley Fever 0 0 0
Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever 0 0 0
Yellow Fever 0 0 0
Ebola Virus Disease 0 0 0
Lassa Fever 0 0 0
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Infections
Novel Influenza A Virus Infections 1 1 0
Severe Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens5 16,302 14,555 1,747
1. Date of Download: Data were downloaded on May 1, 2022.
2. Day of disease onset is used as the basis of analysis for all acute notifiable diseases.
3. No wild poliovirus has been detected in Taiwan since 1984. Nationwide surveillance of acute flaccid paralysis has been used for
detecting cases of poliomyelitis since the implementation of the Eradication Program for Measles, Congenital Rubella Syndrome,
Poliomyelitis, and Neonatal Tetanus in 1992.
4. Tetanus and mumps are cases reported by the physician without laboratory testing of specimens.
5. On January 15, 2020, severe pneumonia with novel pathogens was added as a Category V communicable disease.
6. On April 15, 2020, severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) was added as a Category IV communicable disease.
Source: Taiwan Centers for Disease Control

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