Page 47 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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 have also disseminated relevant information on corresponding world disease days in the hopes of raising the general public's awareness and concern for the prevention of chronic disease prevention. In addition, through venues such as medical institutions provided preventive healthcare services for relevant chronic diseases to raise the awareness for chronic disease risk factors for the general public and medical personnel. The MOHW has organized a variety of educational seminars for relevant chronic diseases to raise the awareness for the risk factors of chronic disease for the general public and medical personnel, and improve the care quality of patients with chronic diseases (Figure 3-4).
(2) To strengthen the prevention of chronic
diseases associated with the "three hypers", the MOHW established standards for certification of medical personnel, and provide training for qualified medical personnel in diabetes care; moreover, the Diabetes Shared Care Network was initiated in 2003. In addition, through 300 diabetes health promotion institutions and 575 diabetes support groups, the MOHW endeavors to help diabetes patients strengthen their self-management.
(3) The MOHW combined the interdisciplinary expertise in chronic disease care to establish a metabolic syndrome prevention and training course. The training course incorporates the concept of risk factor management to strengthen the core capabilities of clinical staff in the management of metabolic syndrome. The program reduces the premature death of chronic disease and the risk of developing hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia and cardiovascular disease because of uncontrolled metabolic syndrome.
2. Menopause Health
Held menopause growth camps with health units and women's groups to increase the public's menopause literacy. In 2021, counseling services were provided to more than 6,721 individuals; provided menopause education and training for national health professionals, with a total of more than 17,000 attendees.
ā–¸Section 3 Cancer Prevention
Starting from 2019, the MOHW has launched the 4th Phase National Cancer Prevention and Control Program, with emphasis on the construction of a sustainable cancer prevention and control system, bolstering health literacy on cancer prevention of the general public and the quality of services, continual promotion for cancer screening, development of individualized cancer precision preventive healthcare services, closing the gap in different aspects of cancer prevention and the application of data and empirical evidence to boost the effectiveness of cancer prevention and control.
1. Cancer Screening
(1) Since 2010, the MOHW has offered fully subsidized screenings for cancers of the cervix, oral, colorectal, and breast. In 2021, 3.85 million screenings detected precancerous lesions in close to 39,000 patients and malignant tumors in around 7,537 patients, saved 46,000 lives. (Figure 3-5 ; Table 3-1~3-3)
(2)In 2021, 224 health institutions implemented the Program to Enhance the Quality of Cancer Screenings, Diagnosis and Treatment in Hospitals. This involves the installation of a notification system that would notify patients to be screened, with a single referral pathway for those who tested positive.
(3) In order to ensure the quality of cancer screenings, officials conduct periodic reviews of health institutions that offer such screenings. In 2021, accreditations were given to 125 institutions that conduct cervical cancer screenings, 218 that conduct mammograms, and 157 that conduct fecal occult blood tests. Finally, the Plan to Improve the Quality of Oral Mucosa Exams trained doctor to screening patients for oral cancer.
2. Improving the Quality of Cancer Care
Certification of the cancer care quality for hospitals started in 2008, a total of 62 hospitals had been certified; more than 85% of cancer patients are treated in these hospitals.
An Environment Conducive to Health

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