Page 46 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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or underused public space to establish fitness clubs for the elderly, to increase the accessibility of exercise for the elderly. 24 such fitness clubs were established in 14 cities and counties in 2021.
▏Section 2 Control of Major Chronic Diseases
1. Control of Major Chronic Diseases
(1) The noncommunicable diseases can be attributed to unhealthy lifestyles. The MOHW cooperates with relevant professional societies and local health bureaus. Through marketing strategies via diverse media, we
 Figure 3-4
Chronic Disease Control Framework
Regular prevention and health maintenance
Participating communities, schools & workplaces: Waistline measurements,
blood pressure measurements, sodium reduction
Adult preventive health services Community integrated screening services
General public
Hospitals Clinics Public Health Centers
• Healthy lifestyles:
Balanced diet, regular physical activity, smoking cessation, moderate alcohol use, stress reduction, etc.
• Maintaining the ideal waist circumference
Periodic check-ups for early detection
Diagnosis and risk classification
Management by level Medical and healthcare
• Health promotion and intervention from health institutions
• Smoking cessation clinics (for smokers)
• Health promotion cases managed by health department-run by health centers, health institutions, or communities (e.g. community LOHAS plans)
• Health promotion activities run by health-promoting hospitals
• Reporting diagnostic results
• Regular medical care at health institutions
Compliance with care plan
Diabetes Pay-for- Performance program
Early-stage chronic kidney diseases Pay-for- Performance program
pre-ESRD patient care and health education program
      Risk factors
Management by level
Chronic disease
Metabolic syndrome
• Waist circumference
Male ≧ 90cm (35 inches)
Female ≧ 80cm (31 inches)
• Raised blood pressure
SBP ≧130mmHg
DBP ≧85mmHg
• Low HDL
Male < 40mg/dl
Female < 50mg/dl
• Fasting blood glucose
≧ 100mg/dl
• High triglycerides ≧ 150mg/dl Tobacco use
Unhealthy diet
Physical inactivity
Harmful use of alcohol
High blood pressure: SBP≧140mmHg or DBP≧90mmHg
Fasting blood glucose≧126mg/dl Hyperlipidemia:
TG≧200 mg/dL or
TC≧240 mg/dL
Chronic kidney disease(stage 3b-5)
         patients GFR≦45ml/min/1.73m2
National Health Insurance Administration
Diagnosis Recommendation
For any of the factors

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