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 weekends and on public holidays; and strengthening the emergency care capabilities of hospitals in districts with limited resources. In 2021, special incentives were offered in 20 locations to effect these objectives.
3. Incentives remain in place to encourage medical centers and advanced grade emergency responsibility hospitals to provide emergency care on outlying islands and in underserved areas in 2021. 25 medical centers have been participating in this program, providing a combined total of 139 emergent and critical care doctors to assist in 29 outlying islands and underserved areas. This program has been instrumental in making needed medical resources more accessible to underserved communities.
4. As of the end of 2021, there were approximately 11,618 automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in Taiwan, equivalent to 49.8 AEDs for every 100,000 people. 5,642 locations have already been certified as "safe locations" (meaning that the location has an AED, and that at least 70% of employees there have completed CPR and AED training).
5.In 2021, the MOHW continued to raise the quality of emergency pediatric care. Under the project, we subsidize remote hospitals designated as intermediate grade emergencies or to offer 24-hour service of pediatric emergency. The government desires to have at least one hospital in every city/ county to offer this vital service. By the end of 2021, 17 hospitals in 17 cities/counties were participating.
▏Section 3 Children's Medical Care
Launched in 2021, The Program for Excellence in Child Health Care aims to invest in child health by improving perinatal and critical medical care and strengthening primary care and health management.
1. Implement the Core Hospital Project to form six core hospitals, two interhospital transport team for critically ill children and a platform for pediatric undiagnosed diseases. Based on the concept of regional integration, establish a cooperation mechanism to improve the health care of children with critically ill or undiagnosed diseases.
2. Implement the Perinatal Care Network Project by subsidizing eight hospitals to establish regional perinatal care network, including blood distribution system, high risk pregnancy and neonatal intensive care, antenatal and neonatal transfer services. Meanwhile, three hospital implement open hospital program, to integrate the clinical services and hospital facilities to provide continuous and comprehensive antenatal care.
3. In 2020, a pilot program of The Project of Holistic Physicians for Young Children was launched six counties/cities, and then expanded to 10 counties/cities in 2021. Pediatricians are primary care providers for children under three years of age, providing health management such as preventive health care, vaccination, home visits, screening and referrals. In 2021, 452 clinics and hospitals (including 796 doctors) participated in the project and took care of 53,370 children, with a national coverage rate of 10.3%.
4. Dispatch Center for Essential Drugs and Medical Supplies hard to access for children was established. The expert advisory committee confirmed the list, which includes 26 Drugs and 53 medicals supplied in 2021. The center assists in medial facilities in obtaining these medicines to treat sick children.
▏Section 4 Hospice and Palliative Care and Patient Autonomy
1. Implementation of the Hospice Palliative Care Act on June 7, 2000 paved the way for doctors (patients' informed consent) to focus on eliminating suffering, and offering support to terminal illness patients, in lieu of curative- and rescue-oriented care.
2. Beginning in 2006, a special project has been urging medical care institutions and the general public to participate in hospice and palliative care, while encouraging NHI enrolled persons to record consent on their NHI IC cards. As of the end of 2021, a total of 816,251 people, accounting for 3.4% of the total population, documented their willingness to receive hospice and palliative care, along with their wishes concerning life-sustaining treatment. Each person's choice was recorded on his/her NHI IC card (Figure 4-2).
Health Care

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