Page 62 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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hospital were approved and 56 trainees participated in trial Chinese medicine doctor training, evaluation of teaching capability and revision of the aforementioned criteria to make the Chinese medicine doctor system more complete.
ā–¸Section 3 Creating Medical Personnel- Friendly Work Environments
1. In an effort to safeguard physicians' rights and patient safety, effective from September 1 2019, resident physicians hired by the medical, healthcare and care-giving industries shall be applicable to the Labor Standards Act. Due to considerations such as the degree of autonomy, diversity of work and responsibilities and complicated definition of work hours, the responsibility of promoting specific amendments to the Medical Care Act has been entrusted to MOHW to see that special clauses on the labor rights of physicians are added to the Act by incorporating aspects such as physicians' work contract, compensations for occupational illnesses/hazards and retirement benefits into the clauses.
2. To reduce medical disputes and foster harmonious physician-patient relationship, the MOHW has been implementing childbirth accident emergency relief and strengthening "Alternative Medical Dispute Resolution" simultaneously, their results are outlined below.
(1) Since the implementation (June 30 2016) of the Childbirth Accident Emergency Relief Act and up to December 31 2021, 1,574 applications were received. In 2021, a total of 11 times of Review Committee were held to review a total of 332 applications, with 301 applications were approved. A total of NTD 214.3 million in relief funding has been granted.
(2) Actively promoting alternative dispute resolution mechanisms:
A. A diverse medical accident care and assistance network continues to be operated to assist grassroots clinics and local hospitals with care services and guide and refer the provision of medical care services by suitable professionals, professional institutions or groups and a care consulting platform established including 48 doctors' associations
(Physicians, traditional Chinese medical doctors and dentists,) two medical groups and three professional groups, spanning 20 cities and counties. Six medical dispute handling personnel and care support courses or discussions were held, attended by 289 people.
B. Building of a medical dispute handling expert talent bank continued, and two related training sessions were held. Trainees were invited to join the talent bank, with 87 mediation experts and 105 care experts added.
C. Two mediation talent courses were held, attended by 108 people; to form bureau of health consensus when handling medical dispute mediation/mediation mechanism, medical dispute mediation observation sharing was held and medical mediation/mediation committee member guide pocket book drawn up with a digital reading function to raise medical dispute mediation quality.
D. The MOHW adopted a dual (medical and law) mediation approach under its tentative multipronged plan for resolving medical disputes. The year 2021 saw a total of 22 cities and counties enroll in this program. With 357 applications filed for mediation, the settlement rate came in at 40.6%. Note: The 2021 program ended in April, 2022; the aforementioned figures are up to January 20 2022
E. Improved medical dispute assessment quality and efficacy. In 2021, the Ministry accepted a total of 313 cases from judicial/prosecutors' office for assessment and reviewed 282 cases (including previous cases that have yet to be closed). On average, each case took approximately 7.9 months to process. The Ministry also trained 186 medical assessment personnel (cumulative total at 1,903).
3.In an effort to improve the workplace environment of nursing personnel, the Department of Nursing and Health Care has been actively promoting relevant reforms starting in 2012, with the purpose of facilitate the retention as well as encouraging nurses who left the professional field to return. The following outcomes have been achieved in 2021:

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