Page 143 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 143

  Figure 10-1
Number of Applicants
Children Future Education and Development Account (CFEDA) Number of Applicants and Account Opening Rate Over the Years
Account Opening Rate
54% 56% 60%
 25000 20000 15000 10000
5000 0
   2017 2018
0% 2020 2021 Year
 Chapter 2 Social Work
them held a license by the end of 2021. There are 8,779 registered practicing social workers. In terms of age, 7.6% are aged under 25, 17.29% are aged 25-29, 18.94% are aged 30-34, 20.46% are aged 35-39, and 35.71% are aged 40 and older. As of the end of 2021, there are 42 social workers running 41 registered social worker firms. The total number of full-time social work employees in both the public and private sectors 17,015 persons (including 855 indigenes, 5.02%), including 13,798 women (81.09%) and 3,217 men (18.91%); 7,262 persons (42.68%) working in the public sector and 9,753 persons (57.32%) in the private sector, as shown in Figure 10-2.
1. Talent cultivation
(1) We conducted qualification review for practical social work experience and business according to the test-free subjects of professional social workers stipulated by the Ministry of Examination. As of the early of 2021, 82 committee meetings were held, and 13,321 application cases for social worker were reexamined.
(2) One social worker evaluation by specialty was conducted according to the "Regulation for Qualification by Category and Continuing Education of Specialized
Social workers are an important foundation for the government to promote welfare policies. While all social welfare policies and measures need social workers to promote, apart from making efforts in enriching the workforce, optimizing the labor conditions and benefits, and protecting the personal safety of social workers, the MOHW includes the dangerous profession compensation as part of the salary of social workers to ensure that the remuneration system of social workers is reasonable, in order to improvement the practice environment of social workers. We strive to provide a friendly work environment for social workers, hoping to encourage social workers to choose social work as fulltime and long-term profession and thereby ensure the quality of services for the vulnerable through optimizing the professional system of and improving the work environment for social work.
ā–¸Section 1 Social Work System
Social work as a profession has become an international trend. Since the "Social Worker Act" was promulgated and implemented on April 2, 1997, a total of 14,628 persons have passed the social worker examination and 13,920 of
Social Assistance and Social Work

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