Page 146 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 146

 ▏Section 2 Manpower Allocation and Utilization for Social Workers
To maximize the workforce efficiency of social workers through nationwide workforce coordination, in 2018 the EY rolled the "Plan to Local Government Social Worker Workforce Allocation and Employment Augmentation Plan" into the "Strengthening Social Safety Net Program" and continued implementation. Phase 2 of "Strengthening Social Safety Net Program" was approved on July 29, 2021. It is expected that by 2025, 9,821 social workers and other professionals will be recruited.
In 2021, we approved the subsidization of related funds for local governments to hire 2,984 social workers. As of the end of 2021, there were a total of 2,677 social workers. The overall employment rate was therefore 89.71%.
▏Section 3 Occupational Safety of Social Workers
In order to intensify social workers' operating safety, the Executive Bureau issued Act on Operating Safety of Social Workers (2015-2017) in 2015. The relevant strategies and implementation were conducted into "Strengthening Social Safety Net Program" measures in 2019. The MOHW included the dangerous profession compensation as part of the salary of social workers and implemented remuneration in 2020.
The Ministry promotes the "Social Worker Personal Safety Protection Program" with funds from the Public Welfare Lottery. The social welfare departments (bureaus, including social welfare NGOs and institutions) of municipal and local governments were subsidized to adopt measures for protecting the personal safety of social workers, including facilities and equipment, graded sources for in-service education/training, emotional support, stress management, mental health, assault support, and practice safety insurance fees. NTD 8.952 million in subsidies were given to 48 projects in 2021. In addition, group insurance for social workers was launched on July 1, 2019, while subsidizing social workers' insurance premiums for private organizations. A total of 4,882 social workers were insured in 2021.
Chapter 3 Community and Links to Other Resources
Communities are the microcosm as well as bedrock of society. At the MOHW, community development aims at empowering community residents to discover common needs and offer local care and services based on the available resources. In recent years, volunteerism has become a trend. Besides serving people, it helps build self-assurance and self-growth and enhance social linkage. We regularly implement the evaluation, survey, research, education and training, encouragement, and commendation of volunteerism, hoping to motivate more people to engage in volunteerism. We constantly enhance the transparency of charity donations destined for social welfare funds and enforce social accountability through public supervision to promote social welfare and protect the rights and interests of donors. We set up the 1957 Social Welfare Consultation Hotline to provide a single contact person that will give information to citizens experiencing hardships, as well as offering a convenient channel for reporting and referral. It takes a single phone call to access information regarding welfare as well as relevant services, reporting and referral.
▏Section 1 Community Development
As for community development, the folk force is utilized to advance various welfare services. We try to integrate community residents' consciousness, promote harmony and good neighbor lines, and increase living quality by issuing community periodicals and holding activities. The effects of 2021 are as follows:
1. 6,943 community development associations nationwide; 3,392 community activity centers.
2. Community-oriented social welfare flagship plans, human resource training, disaster prevention and preparedness advocation, and proposal empowerment were conducted, and subsidies were provided for 104 cases; the total amount was NTD 14,100,000.
3. Under the effect of the pandemic, the 2021 National Community Development Operations contact meeting and National Community- based Welfare Observation Meeting were

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