Page 170 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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 a virtual bilateral meeting. Both discussed how to deepen the medical and scientific cooperation between Taiwan and the US under the MOU signed last year. Secretary Becerra stated that the US cherished friendship with Taiwan, affirmed anti- pandemic partnership and emphasized that the US would support Taiwan to obtain COVID-19 vaccines.
(2). International Affairs: In 2021, the MOHW did not go abroad for any international meeting or seminars. The MOHW hosted 4 international meetings or seminars domestically and held/participated 134 international virtual meetings or seminars. A total of 117 foreign guests from 25 countries were invited.
A. Attending international conferences
a. The MOHW recommended 2 local Traditional Chinese Medicine experts as members of the Traditional Medicine Working Party of the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare. In 2021, they participated in 5 European Pharmacopeia virtual meetings to learn more about quality management and ongoing trends in the area of traditional medicine for the European Pharmacopeia, improve harmonization of Taiwan Herbal Pharmacopeia, and provided reference for revision.
b. In July 2021, the MOHW delivered a speech, "How the IT System of National Health Insurance Plays a Role in Fighting COVID-19: the Case in Taiwan" in iHEA Congress to share experience of using NHI MediCloud System and NHI big data analysis to contain COVID-19 successfully.
c. In November 2021, the MOHW shared Taiwan's nursing policies at the virtual ICN Congress. The participants were representatives and experts from 130 member countries. It was beneficial for raising international visibility of Taiwan's nursing policies.
B. Hosting international conferences
a. In September 2021, the "Family Support Services for Person with Substance Use Disorders: Reach with Love, Gazing into Futurity" international seminar was held. Experts and scholars from the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore, and other countries discussed family support of drug addicts, recovery models, and shared empirical research on group treatment and institutional rehabilitation development, to help drug addicts re-enter society.
b. In September 2021, the "2021 International Webinar: The Impact and Change of International Disaster Medical Assistance in the Post- Pandemic Era" was held. The MOHW invited experts from Switzerland, USA, and Japan to share their experience on international medical assistance, pandemic control, humanitarian assistance, and risk management.
c. In October 2021, the "Global Health Forum in Taiwan" changed its name to "Global Health and Welfare Forum in Taiwan". The forums was held in a hybrid format and was live streamed in Chinese and English. The theme "Sustainable Society", explored the short-term and longterm impact of COVID-19 on healthcare, social welfare, and sustainable development. Over 600 people physically attended. Also, experts, scholars and health department officials from 43 countries in Europe, Americas, East Asia, Southeast Asia and Australia participated online with over 6,600 viewers and approximately 18,000 people reached.

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