Page 169 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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  during the final workshop. This guidelines integrated various viewpoints of industrial, governmental, and academic circles and provided instructions on different scenarios and roles. Additionally, it has charts and examples, full of reference values.
In November 2021, APEC Conference on Urbanization, Population Aging and Technology Innovation was held virtually with 14 APEC members, 24 APEC officials and approximately 200 participants.
In November 2021, the APEC Second Policy Dialogue: Accelerating Digitalisation of
Health Promotion Strategies and Building Digital Workforce Capacity convened hybrid workshops. 7 member economies participated with over 60 attendees.
ā–¸Section 2 International exchange and assistance
1. International cooperation and exchange (1) International cooperation
In May 2021, the MOHW Minister Chen, Shih-Chung and the US Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, held
     Participated in the stipulation of the APEC Food Safety Risk Communication Framework and Associated Guidelines
APEC Conference on Urbanization, Population Aging and Technology Innovation
  APEC Second Policy Dialogue: Accelerating Digitalisation of Health Promotion Strategies and Building Digital Workforce Capacity
Research, Development, and International Cooperation

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