Page 168 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 168

ā–¸Section 1 Joining international organizations
1. World Health Organization (WHO)
Taiwan's engagement in various mechanisms, activities and meetings of the WHO is not only of vital importance to its population's health but also an indispensable link in the global health/ epidemic prevention network. The 74th WHA convened virtually in May 2021. To promote our participation in WHA, Minister Chen submitted "Building a resilient and inclusive global health system together-Taiwan can help," an article published 221 times by media in 53 countries. The administrative and legislative departments of Taiwan's allies and like-minded nations also strongly voiced their support for Taiwan with diversified and concrete actions inside and outside of the WHA meetings. In addition, Taiwan, USA, Japan, UK and Australia co- organized the virtual Global Cooperation and Training Framework Workshop on "COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout: Experiences and Challenges." A total of 135 experts from 36 countries participated. The MOHW demonstrates to the international community its commitment to contribute to international health, and to seek participation in global health affairs in a professional, pragmatic and constructive way.
2. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
APEC Life Science Innovation Forum (LSIF) Executive Board Meeting was held in July 2021 to exchange experiences on healthcare finance, health system resilience and regulation harmonization. Minister Chen, Shih- Chung delivered opening and closing remarks as the Board Chair.
In August 2021, the 11st APEC High Level Meeting on Health and Economic convened virtually. Minister Chen stated that pandemic caused health inequality. Taiwan actively promoted all kinds of health policies, integrated in digital health and innovative techniques, and effectively reduced health disparities of disadvantaged groups and people living in remote areas. In addition, during COVID-19 pandemic, the MOHW collaborated with public and private sectors to ensure a steady supply of vaccines and medical supplies, and to increase face mask production so that Taiwan could provide sufficient anti-epidemic materials in a short time, and even donated to countries in need.
From July 2020 to October 2021, the MOHW participated in the stipulation of the APEC Food Safety Risk Communication Framework and Associated Guidelines, discussed with other countries about suggestions for revision and evaluated the communication framework
APEC LSIF Executive Board Meeting

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