Page 86 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 86

 Name of Regulation / Legal Order
Date of Amendment
Objective of Revision
 The Categories of Communicable Diseases and Preventive Measures for Category IV and V Communicable Diseases
  MAY 26
Guidelines for handling people infected with severe pneumonia with novel pathogens were revised and became effective on May 15, 2021.
Scope of unsafe sexual behavior
 JUL 2
  Sexual behavior that has been medically assessed as having a significant risk of transmission has been included in the scope of unsafe sexual behavior.
 Regulations Governing Disease Prevention Compensation During COVID-19 Isolation and Quarantine Periods
  OCT 19
 As people required under isolation in designated locations with freedom restricted, they should be subsidized by the governments based on their medical expenses. Therefore, this type of subject was added to the applicable subjects of these Guidelines.
 Regulations Governing Management of Infectious Biological Materials
  DEC 15
 Referring to the practice of setting up a biosafety officer position or biosafety coordinator in Europe and North America, we stipulated that an entity governed by the regulations should designate a biosafety officer who is responsible for the consultation, supervision, communication, and inspection of internal biosafety and security management, in order to reinforce the organizational functions of biosafety management. In order to improve self-management of laboratories or storage facilities that use or store pathogens in Risk Group 3 or 4, a biosafety management system should be introduced in such laboratories or storage facilities.
Regulations Governing Operation of the Communicable Disease
  DEC 21
  The commander is authorized to adjust the base year of subsidies provided to designated isolation hospitals whose operations are affected due to an epidemic.
      Source : Taiwan Centers for Disease Control
Pneumonia with Novel Pathogenson on a third reading. It was announced by the president and coordinated with epidemic prevention requirements. Due to the severity of COVID-19 pandemic globally in 2021, the Legislative Yuan amended the aforementioned act, raised the special budget to a maximum of NTD 840 billion, and extended the enforcement period to June 30 2022, in order to ensure the safety of the people and maintain stability of the economy and livelihoods. In response to pandemic prevention needs, the MOHW revised important regulations related to communicable diseases in 2021, shown in Table 6-1.
2. Administrative Framework for Communicable Disease Control
The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (Taiwan CDC), MOHW is responsible for the formulation and review of communicable disease control policy and supervises six regional control centers that provide local authorities with guidance regarding disease control and quarantine operations. Local authorities are responsible for formulating and implementing disease control plans.
3. Laboratory Testing Framework
Taiwan CDC is responsible for laboratory testing and research relating to communicable diseases with an established comprehensive service network. Besides the 12 Taiwan CDC laboratories, there are 260 certified institutions, appointed 249 institutions to conduct tests for COVID-19, 11 for novel influenza A virus infections, one for controlled high-risk pathogens / toxins, 8 contracted laboratories for enterovirus / influenza testing, and 40 approved and 10 contracted laboratories for tuberculosis testing.
4. National Response Framework for Communicable Disease Control
To respond to communicable disease emergencies, the National Health Command Center (NHCC) was established in 2005. The NHCC was established by combining the functions of the Central Epidemic Command Center, Biological Pathogen Disaster Command Center, the Counter-Bioterrorism Command Center and the Central Medical Emergency Operations Center. This joint

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