Page 14 - 111年衛生福利年報簡介及有聲書
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12 中華 民國 111 年版 衛生福利年報簡介 本部疾病管制署透過多元的傳 染病監測通報與調查系統及全 國傳染病檢驗網絡,及時對新 興傳染病進行偵測預警,同時 因應國際COVID-19疫情,維持 「邊境風險嚴管」原則,旅客須 於啟程地取得3日內COVID-19 核酸檢驗報告及使用入境檢疫系 統完成健康申報再登機,自110 年7月2日起所有入境旅客並需 進行PCR檢測。另妥善維運「傳 染病防治醫療網」,以有效調度 緊急應變量能,落實醫療照護機 構感染管制。 為提升防疫量能,運用智慧 科技,研發「臺灣社交距離 App」及建置「疫調輔助平 臺」,以利第一線防疫人員執 行關懷、居家檢疫隔離民眾自 主健康通報,以及快速疫調效 率,降低疫情擴散。另由行政 院指導設置疫苗預約平臺,增 進民眾接種COVID-19疫苗之可 Through diverse communicable disease surveillance and reporting, survey systems, and the national communicable disease testing network, Taiwan CDC of the MOHW carries out timely surveillance and issues warnings for new communicable diseases. In response to the global COVID -19 pandemic, we maintained strict border control measures, requiring arrivals to obtain a COVID -19 PCR test within three days at their place of departure and to complete a health declaration on the Quarantine System for Entry before boarding. From July 2, 2021, all arriving passengers were required to take a PCR test. The Communicable Disease Control Medical Network remains operational to effectively deploy emergency response capabilities and implement healthcare institution infection control in normal times. In order to improve pandemic prevention capacity, we have used smart technology to develop the Taiwan Social Distancing APP and establish the Epidemiological Investigation Assistance Platform to help front-line epidemic prevention staff provide care and facilitate self-health reporting among people undergoing home quarantine/isolation. Thus, the efficiency of contact tracing has been improved, and the spread of the pandemic has been minimized. In addition, under the instructions of the Executive Yuan, a COVID-19 vaccine reservation platform was established, increasing vaccine accessibility and convenience for the public. 7 食品藥物管理 Management of Food and Drugs The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration has "Safe and effective drugs, safe and healthy food" as its mission and has therefore continued to implement its "Five-Point Food Safety" policy to achieve inter-domain integration of five major aspects: source control management, production management, market inspection, manufacturers and vendors liability and supervision by the citizens in order to create a complete food safety guard net. In addition, in 2021 TFDA launched a nation- wide inspection project and audited 139,400 times of domestic businesses, with a GHP repeat inspection passing rate of over 90%. 520,000 samples of food and related products were 近 性 及 便 利 性。 近 性 及 便 利 性 。 本 本部 安 全 有 效 、 食 在 安 心健康」為 安 全 有 效 、 食 在 安心 部食 食 品 品 藥 藥 物 物 管 管 理 理署 署以「藥求 食安五環」 政策,從源頭控管、生產管 理、市場查驗及全民監督等面 向跨域整合,保障國人飲食安 全,結合法規政策管理重點, 規劃全國性稽查專案;110年 度完成國內食品業者查核13萬 9,400家次,食品良好衛生規範 準則複查合格率達9成以上;食 使 命 , 持續 執 行 「 使 命, 持 續 執 行 「 食