Page 134 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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▏Section 2 Health Care for the Elderly Fees Subsidization
1. In order to reduce the economic barrier to health care due to NHI premiums and copayments for elder people with economic difficulties, premiums are fully subsidized for lower-middle income elderly persons aged 70 and above. In 2021, these subsidies were provided to 98,111 people.
2. Daily subsidies of NTD 1,800, with an annual limit of NTD 216,000, are offered to pay the attendant care during hospitalization for elder people who are in the care of MOHW- commissioned institutional care facilities. In 2021, four institutions received these subsidies to care for a total of 130 people.
3. To subsidize the denture installation for near- poor senior citizens, we introduce eight subsidization plans based on the missing tooth condition of senior citizens to meet individual needs. In 2021, a total of 3,821 elderly people were benefited.
▏Section 3 Care for Elder People
1. To compensate near poor families for losing economic gains from sacrificing employment to take care of elderly family, a elderly care allowance of NTD 5,000 each month was provided for families with elderly people requiring special care. In 2021, a total of 7,640 people were subsidized with a sum of over NTD 38.23 million.
2. Ongoing efforts to improve care for living alone elder people, carrying on a 24-hour emergency assistance network. In 2021, a total of 8,540 people installed this service facility: the MOHW established a center for tracking missing elderly. Since 2001 to end of 2021, a total of 2,555 were reported missing, 1,603 were found. A total of 33 people were reported missing in 2021, and 23 were found with the assistance of the center.
3. Guidance was provided for institutions to improve service quality and diversify operations to meet the elderly care needs. By the end of 2021, there are 1,081 permitted elderly welfare institutions.
4. In recognition of Dr. MacKay's contributions to helping the weak and supporting the poor, the "MacKay Project" was implemented on June 1, 2011. The same discounts for senior citizens
in public transportation, public entertainment venues and access to long-term care services are provided for those with long-term services and contributions or special contributions for Taiwan. As of the end of 2021, a total of 313 foreign elders fulfilled the requirement, and a total of 10 fulfilled the requirement in 2021.
5. We established the elderly consultation service center and provided the "Old Friend Hotline (0800-228585)" service. The hotline handled close to 700 calls per month on average.
▏Section 4 Social Participation by Elder People
1. In 2021, 487 services and activities are available for seniors.
2. In 2021, mobile tours of culture, health, and leisure for seniors were made possible by the subsidized purchase of 18 multifunctional buses by 16 cities and counties. Services included welfare and health consultations as well as leisure, culture, and entertainment activities. Participating cities and counties hosted 3,830 tours with total attendance of 490,564 seniors.
3. For celebrating Double Ninth Festival, and exhibiting care and respect for all elders, the celebration event "Aging Up interstellar Sailing" was held at the NTUH International Convention Center, with livestreamed online. This symbolized Taiwan has becoming a super aged society, and conveyed the policy vision of autonomy, self-reliance, harmony, and sustainment. There were aging innovative service experience stalls, with a total of 30 participants. A total of 37,000 times watched live online.
4. Local governments were encouraged to work with village offices and community groups to establish 4,610 community care stations as shown in Figure 9-6. The stations provide care visits, telephone visits and referral services, catering services, and heal promoting activities. 2,655 community care stations set up Community Long-Term Care Stations (C) in line with the long-term care policy. The 7th Golden Community Care Stations Awards were held to honor the benchmark groups and individuals who have contributed to community care stations, giving out 15 Golden Community Care Stars Awards (for groups), 5 Golden Community Care Heroes Awards (for individuals).

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