Page 160 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 160

We also provided comprehensive treatments for child and youth protection to improve the quality and education of child and youth protection to enforce the protection of child and youth safety and well-being.
▏Section 1 Overview of Child Protection Services
In response to the "Strengthening Social Safety Net Program", we integrated child and youth protection with the high-risk family system. There was a significant increase in the reported cases involving children and youth. In 2021, 94,828 child and youth protection cases were reported, including 85,996 cases (91%) reported by responsible reporting personnel and 8,832 cases (9%) by citizens. Furthermore, 46,959 cases were assigned under protection service (44,539 cases for child and youth protection, 2,420 cases for children and youth sexual exploitation at 50%), and 15,575 cases (16%) under other services. In addition, we provided consultations or referrals for 5,140 cases (5%), and 27,154 cases belonged to other situations (29%). Among them, 35,401 cases were sent to the child and youth protection services (including referral to network units).
▏Section 2 Multi-Dimensional Child Protection Services
1. Promoted local governments' conducting of the childcare parenting empowerment service project: For children under age 6, family intensive household parenting services were provided. Through demonstration of parenting functions, the MOHW established positive education awareness and discipline techniques, and developed positive interactions between caregivers and children, to avoid child abuse from happening again. In 2021, a total of 105 cases were served.
2. Strengthening childcare network cooperation: In order to assist practical workers to precisely identify child abuse cases and reinforce cooperation of medical institutions with social administration units, the regional medical institutions were promoted to establish childcare medical integration center. In 2021, 10 medical integration centers were established, and a total of 1,402 abused children with injury treatment were assisted by providing physical and psychological treatment services. In addition, the meetings of strengthening cooperation of childcare protection network were held in 2021, and stipulated a series of control criteria. Through expert consultation meetings and childcare work meetings all the execution statuses of local government were reviewed; on-site scholar and experts' participation and through observation, a practical operation methods were put forward to strengthen the synergy of cooperation of the childcare network.
3. The MOHW cooperated with National Communications Commission to establish the Institute of Watch Internet Network(iWIN), and implemented the handling of child physical and psychological health cases. In 2021, iWIN handled 3,912 appeal cases. 2,208 violations of child related regulations (56%). 1,518 cases of pornography (69%), and 305 cases (14%) of hazardous items. After iWIN received complaints, it would notify business owners for self-improvement, or put them on the blacklist, and transfer to competent authorities.
▏Section 3 Children and Youth Sexual Transaction Prevention
1. To effectively protect the rights and benefits of children and juveniles, invited expert scholars, NGOs, related departments, and local government representatives to amend (The Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Sexual Exploitation of Children and Juveniles); it was sent to the Executive Yuan for examination on November 23 2021.

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