Page 158 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 158

(2) In 2021, the domestic violence and sexual assault prevention centers of municipal, county and city governments assisted sexual assault victims more than 350,000 times and distributed in NTD 160 million in assistance funds. Most of the assistance consisted protective and assistance measures such as shelter services, assistance with police report and interviews, economic assistance, assistance with medical examination/ treatment, and legal aid.
2. Overview of sexual harassment services
All relevant organs (units) accepted 1,721 cases of sexual harassment complaints in 2021. The cases are as follows:
(1) A total of 1,284 cases were established, 345 cases were not established, and 92 cases were dropped. Most cases were accepted by the police (81.20%), then the employer of the offenders (15.90%).
(2) Out of all established sexual harassment cases, most victims were female (95.61%), and most offenders were male (86.5%). "Strangers to each other" (74.18%) is the most common type of relationship between both parties. "Public areas" are the most common crime scene (38.34%), then the "virtual environment: technology equipment (e.g., Internet, taking up 22.85%). "Surprise kisses, embracing, and touching the breasts, hips or other private parts" are the most common behaviors (32.86%), then "showing or circulating pornographic pictures (files) (19.72%), and then "voyeur and sneak a photo (13.77%)".
ā–¸Section 2 Diverse Intervention for Victims of Sexual Assault
and Sexual Harassment
1. Protection and assistance for victims of sexual assault: Set up victim service and subsidy standards, and provided victims with emergency rescue, medical treatment, medical examination to obtain evidence and emergency resettlement, etc. More than 350,000 people were served, and the amount of support was more than NTD 160,000,000 in assistance funds in 2021.
2. Trauma rehabilitation service for victims of sexual assault: From 2017 onwards, the public welfare lottery reward fund was used to subsidize a civic society group to conduct the plan of the "sexual assault victims rehabilitation center construction," which provided rehabilitation services to people suffering sexual abuse and a lack of judicial assistance in the early years. The subsidized items include counseling and trauma assessment, training and advocacy for professionals and so on. In 2021, a total of 3 trauma recovery centers were subsidized, providing over 3,000 people with inquiry services and counseling services. In addition, 71 awareness-raising activities and 79 training sessions were organized.
3.Improvement of the inspection and identification of sexual assault: 3,392 victims were provided with injury certificates in 2021, of which 3,068 cases were sent to the Criminal Police Station for testing.
4. Promoted the plan to "Reduce Repetitive Victim Statements in Sexual Assault Cases": Police, prosecutors, social workers, medical and other service teams worked together to improve the quality of interrogation and reduce repeated representations of victims. 1,792 cases in 2021 entered this service.
5. Innovation for Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Integrated System: In 2021, 10 counties and municipalities were subsidized for 89 professional trainings, 1,000 victims were given legal counseling and psychological counseling services, and more than 800,000 people were benefited. 3,787 sexual harassment prevention measures were subject to on-site inspection.

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