Page 161 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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 2. Enforcing victim protection and assistance: In 2021, there were 2,424 statutory report cases, including 1,030 cases (42.49%) by teachers, the highest; 1,009 cases (41.63%) by the police, the second highest; and 327 cases (13.49%) by social workers. There were 1,861 victims, including care visits, psychological consultation, educational guidance, economic subsidization, family encounters, employment, and medical resources were provided for over 20,000 people.
ā–¸Section 4 Quality and Education of Child Protection Service
1. Review of serious child abuse cases: In 2021, the MOHW held two meetings, including social workers should timely activate current children and juvenile protection procedure and mechanism, strengthening the connection between service systems; and social workers enhancing family evaluation abilities and family support functions, to provide comprehensive family encounter plan. The sensitivity of medical staff's observation for postpartum depression and immediate referral of psychological health resources were promoted. For infants not vaccinated, the MOHW adjusted related visit criteria and operational regulations. In related educational training, the identification and responsibility report awareness of medical staff at clinics were reinforced. Educational training of drug prevention center staff should be family-oriented with complete overall network and efficiency.
2. Strengthening of professional child protection training:
(1) Training for new recruits: Training for new child and youth protection social workers was organized in one session in April, 2021. The courses were divided into digital and physical formats, with the former focusing on the introduction to child and youth protection services, structured risk assessment and placement with their relatives. The latter focuses on the judicial aspect of the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act, reporting/ investigation procedures, resources for out-of-home placement and the relatives' knowledge on the placement. 50 people completed the training.
(2) Training and supervision of the personnel in charge of the anti-drug program for children and youth: The training sessions were organized for professionals dealing with drug abuse for children and youth. Regional supervision was also arranged for different districts targeting problems encountered while implementing the programs, offering information and advice for social workers. As of the end of 2021, 16 sessions were held with 336 participants.
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Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Protective Services

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