Page 43 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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 5. With reference to the WHO ending childhood obesity strategy, through related parties and participation in different fields, healthy lifestyle intervention and high-risk child medical referral are adopted in different life course for early prevention of child obesity and to reduce the child obesity rate. With reference to the WHO's physical activity and stationary behavior guide, children are encouraged to do 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week to develop the habit of active living.
6. The prevalence of adult overweight and obesity increased from 32.6% 1993-1996 to 43.4% 2002-2008 and 50.3% 2017-2020, showing slow increase. The rate of overweight and obesity of elementary school and junior high school students in 2020 was 25.4% and 29.9% respectively; the rate for elementary school students has fallen by 5% compared to 2013 (30.4%); the rate for junior high school students is up slightly by 0.1% (29.8%,) however, the rate of increase has slowed.
7. The MOHW will continue to monitor the nutrition status for the general public, establish relevant public health policies and construct diverse channels to disseminate important nutritional information to advocate for the importance of healthy diet so as to bolster the general public's health and prevent chronic illnesses.
▏Section 3 Advocating Physical Activity
1. Advocating sports for all and encouraging people to use fragments of time to do exercise; directed at families, working people and the middle aged and elderly, home exercise illustrations and text were provided and a short film competition and other activities held. Films including Seniors Fitness Go LOHAS Get Moving and Regular Exercise for Health- Perfect Seniors' Health and the Most Important Small Things were made and diverse promotion carried out.
2. The MOHW held the 2021 Active Diverse New Life, Sustainable Sport for Health Promotion sport for all and health seminar. Physical activity and sports promotion were discussed from the angle of different field sports and wearable technology. A total of 300 people attended online.
3. 270 communities in 22 counties and cities were subsidized to provide health management
services to the elderly. 543 health promotion courses were held serving around 14,000 healthy, sub healthy and frail elderly people. Results show that diverse exercise intervention helps with the social interaction, emotional function and fall improvement of elderly people.
4.According to a survey by the Sports Administration, MOE, the regular physical activity rate of persons 13 years old and above raised from 33.0% in 2016 to 33.9% in 2021.
▏Section 4 Self-protection against Air Pollution Advocacy
Due to the presence of wind fields in winter, air pollutants are more likely to accumulate. Thus, the MOHW refers to the air quality forecasts by the Environmental Protection Administration to publish press releases and Facebook and LINE social media posts when deemed necessary to remind the general public to protect themselves against poor air quality at certain times. In addition, through various broadcasting media, the MOHW reminds sensitive groups to wear masks when going out and avoid outdoor activities when the air quality is poor.
Moreover, the MOHW has compiled a number of educational booklets and leaflets, including "General Knowledge about PM2.5", "Face Mask Wearing Guidance" and "Self- protection against Air Pollution". On the MOHW HPA website, there is also a specific section on self-protection measures Air Pollution.
▏Section 5 Healthy Environments
In accordance with the WHO's 1997 Jakarta Declaration, 2018 Shanghai Declaration on Health Promotion, MOHW uses public and private resources to help cultivate greater health awareness among the general public. It intends to build friendly, supportive environments to better societal health and wellbeing.
1. Healthy Cities, Communities, Schools, and Workplaces
(1) Healthy City and Community
Through county/city government inter- departmental promotion of Age-friendly policies, combined with public-private
An Environment Conducive to Health

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