Page 41 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 41

 ā–¸Section 1 Tobaccos and Betel Quid 1. Tobacco Control
Since the implementation of the new regulations of the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act in 2009, the adult smoking rate has fallen from 21.9% in 2008 to 13.1% in 2020. The smoking rate for junior high school students fell from 7.8% in 2008 to 2.2% in 2021; the smoking rate for high school students fell from the 14.6% of 2007 to 7.2% in 2021. The second-hand smoke exposure rate in public non-smoking areas decreased from 23.7% in 2008 to 5.0% in 2020.
The e-cigarette use rate of junior high school and high school students rose clearly to 3.9% and 8.8% in 2021 from 1.9% and 3.4% in 2018. The e-cigarrette use rate has doubled rapidly in just three years, showing that e-cigarrette is harmful to adolescents. Research shows
that if adolescent who had use e-cigarette within the last two years were six more times likely to try cigarettes than those who had not. To enhance the protection of children and adolescent at every stages, revision of the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act continues to be promoted, including comprehensively banning the imitation tobacco products such as e-cigarettes, raising the smoking age to 20 years old and expanding the public places where smoking is banned. Also, together with the Ministry of Education, campus tobacco hazards prevention work continues and multi- media and cross-agency cooperation are used to enhance youth anti-tobacco advocacy and media literacy.
Taiwan implemented the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the MPOWER measures.
 Taiwan implemented the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the MPOWER measures. Taiwan's achievements are as follows:
The MPOWER measures
Prohibition of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship
   Long-term monitoring of smoking rates and policies
Non-smoking and tobacco-free environment
Provide various types of smoking cessation services
    WARNING Tobacco container
health warning graphic
RAISING Tobacco taxes and
the Health and Welfare Surcharge
An Environment Conducive to Health

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