Page 93 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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 15, 2020. This was followed by the establishment of the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) on January 20 to take charge of the mobilization required to meet the emergency.
1. Overview
(1) As of the end of 2021, there were 196 nations/regions affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Globally, there were 286,858,296 confirmed cases, with 5,444,396 deaths and an average case fatality rate of 1.9%. From the beginning of the global COVID-19 outbreak to the end of 2021, there were 17,126 confirmed cases in Taiwan. Of these cases, 14,612 were local, 2,460 were imported, 36 were on a ship of the Navy's Friendship Flotilla, 3 were on an aircraft, 1 was unresolved, and 14 were still under investigation.
(2) In response to the pandemic situation at home and abroad, the CECC continued to gather the latest pandemic information around the world and track confirmed cases and local contact tracing cases. Meanwhile, retrospective investigations into confirmed cases were conducted. Community testing was expanded to minimize the transmission by asymptomatic carriers.
2. Border Quarantine
(1)In response to the global spread of COVID-19 and to prevent the variants of Delta and Omicron, Taiwan maintained tight border controls as the guiding principle in 2021. Before boarding, inbound passengers were required to secure a COVID-19 PCR test report at their point of departure within the past 3 days and to complete an online health declaration via the Quarantine System for Entry. From July 2, 2021, all inbound passengers were required to take saliva-based PCR test upon arrival at airports and ports in Taiwan. As of the end of 2021, a total of 232,891 inbound passengers (including asymptomatic passengers) were tested, and 471 of them were diagnosed with COVID-19, with a positive rate of 0.20%, accounting for 40% of imported cases. After entry, inbound passengers needed to undergo a 14- day quarantine at government quarantine facilities or quarantine hotels, in order to lower the risks of transmission caused by imported cases in communities.
(2) The MOHW continued to draw up and update related pandemic prevention guidelines and maintained the safety and health of front-line staff at international ports and the Mini Three Links. In addition,
Communicable Disease Control

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