Page 94 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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in consideration of international ports as a venue with high risk of disease transmission, regular rapid testing and health monitoring were implemented among individuals with high exposure risk at international airports and ports on August 30 and November 23, 2021, respectively. As of the end of 2021, 45,716 individuals at high risk of exposure had been monitored at international airports. There was 1 confirmed case. 2,729 people were monitored at international ports, with no confirmed cases.
3. Community Quarantine
(1) Domestic pandemic prevention measures have been adjusted according to the development of the pandemic. Relevant government agencies drew up pandemic prevention measures and guidelines for venues under their supervision based on general principles. Community screening and COVID-19 surveillance programs were strengthened and effectively discovered and broke hidden transmission chains. Local health authorities and civil affairs agencies were mobilized to form a care and support network for people undergoing home isolation, home quarantine, and self-health management. Anti-viral drugs (including injectable and oral medication) and monoclonal antibodies were purchased and stockpiled for patients to use. As end of 2021, 93,721 and 950,138 people had undergone self-isolation and home quarantine respectively.
(2) Vaccine Procurement
In order to obtain safe and effective vaccines, Taiwan has purchased vaccines from foreign manufacturers and developed as well as produced vaccines domestically. A total of 25,810,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses were purchased, including approximately 4.76 million doses from global vaccine initiative (COVAX) vaccines, 10 million doses from AstraZeneca, 6.05 million doses from Moderna, and 5 million domestic vaccines.
In July 2021, the MOHW placed an order for a total of 35 million vaccines for 2022 and 2023 with Moderna USA. The MOHW would continue to purchase next-generation vaccines from international vaccine manufacturers to protect our citizens. Based on the amount and schedule of vaccines that could be supplied, the priority list for COVID-19 vaccination was determined and adjusted according to the recommendations of the MOHW's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). On March 22, 2021, the MOHW began COVID-19 vaccinations for medical staff before providing vaccinations to individuals in other priority categories. As of December 31, 2021, the coverage rate for the first dose was 79.99%, 69.07% for the second dose, 0.02% for an additional dose, and 0.66% for a booster dose.
4. Medical Response and Medical Supplies Preparedness
(1) In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the MOHW reinforced infection control measures and inspection mechanisms for hospitals, long-term care and social welfare institutions, laboratories, conducted unannounced inspections, and implemented response plans and drills. In 2021, unannounced inspections were conducted at 487 hospitals; 467 hospitals passed these inspections across the board, with a pass rate of 96%. Hospitals that failed in the inspections were ordered to make improvements following the instructions as well as follow-up of local governments. In addition, biological safety management inspections were accomplished at 11 SARS-CoV-2 research laboratories.

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