Page 95 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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 (2) Medical response measures included the following: implementation of community testing networks, establishment of a tiered care system for taking in patients, and provision of bidirectional referral. To maintain the overall capacity of the medical care system, healthcare facilities, medical care institutions, and densely populated institutions shall also undertake infection control by segregating patients and medical personnel and strengthening management of workers, visitors, and environments, use of suitable personal protection equipment (PPE), and encouraging staff to get vaccinated for COVID-19, in order to protect the medical system.
(3) As of the end of 2021, 48 government quarantine facilities with 4,134 rooms had been established. More installations are under way to expand the capacity for accommodating individuals under self-isolation. Meanwhile, the supply of quarantine hotels and taxis has also been expanded to accommodate and transport people subjected to home quarantine.
(4) To upgrade infection control capabilities, online learning courses were provided for medical staff. In addition, a COVID-19 severe case management consultation platform was established. Several experts provided consultations regarding the clinical management of severe cases to reinforce medical care for severe cases.
(5) To further increase the country's testing capacity, the MOHW expanded the network of testing institutions designated for COVID-19 testing and balanced the daily workload of these institutions across the country. As of end of 2021, Taiwan had 249 designated testing institutions that could collectively handle up to 158,492 tests daily.
(6) The MOHW developed and evaluated virus culture, nucleic acid, antigen, antibody testing methods for SARS-CoV-2. The MOHW established the methods of viral genome sequencing and whole genome sequencing as the empirical foundation for the implementation and adjustment of pandemic prevention measures. In addition, the technology of COVID-19 diagnostic reagents was developed and transferred
to domestic manufacturers to help the development of domestic reagents. Viral strains were sent to relevant institutions to help establish the "COVID-19 viral screening and analysis support platform" to assist industry, academic, and research communities with R&D.
(7) The MOHW expropriated general medical- grade/surgical masks, N95 masks, isolation gowns, and protective coveralls to meet the demand for masks sold under the name- based mask distribution system as well as the needs of health workers and public officials. For the purposes of pandemic prevention for healthcare workers and public officials, these medical supplies were distributed to local governments, central government agencies, and medical institutions. In addition, the MOHW continued to allocate epidemic prevention supplies to designated COVID-19 testing clinics in order to protect the safety of medical and epidemic prevention staff. From February 17, 2020, to the end of 2021, 3.89 billion pieces of general medical- grade/surgical masks, 25.2 million N95 masks, 11.89 million isolation gowns, and 1.96 million protective coveralls were expropriated.
5. Disseminating Information and Uncovering Disinformation
(1) The CECC has conducted 362 press conferences and publicized major pandemic-related information. 823 policies and measures were announced. 2,137 educational leaflets on major topics and pandemic prevention video clips were produced and translated into various different languages. Broadcasting media, all kinds of new media, and public warning services have been expropriated and used to disseminate domestic and international pandemic-related information and the government's pandemic prevention policies and measures in a timely and transparent manner.
(2) Taiwan CDC has expanded the capacity of its "1922 Hotline," and introduced a call distribution mechanism for incoming calls so that people can secure a timely response to their inquiries. From the
Communicable Disease Control

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