Page 96 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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 establishment of CECC to the end of 2021, the hotline handled 6,956,294 calls concerning COVID-19.
(3) The MOHW has actively taken action against disinformation and immediately investigated and prosecuted cases according to applicable laws and regulations. Immediate action was also taken to investigate violations of epidemic prevention and related measures.
6. Smart Pandemic Prevention
(1) Smart technology has been utilized in pandemic prevention efforts, resulting in pandemic prevention systems, including "the Quarantine System for Entry," "Tracing System," "Digital Fencing System," and the "Disease Prevention Expert" LINE Bot. These smart systems have assisted front- line epidemic prevention staff in providing care as well as helped people undergoing self-health management report their health status.
(2) The "Taiwan Social Distancing APP" was developed, allowing people to learn about their exposure to confirmed cases without using personal information. The "contact tracing text messaging system" was launched. Also, the "Epidemiological Investigation Assistance Platform" was set up to provide hot spot maps, tracking locations under investigation, data search on the contact tracing text messaging system to help front-line epidemic prevention staff to quickly investigate outbreaks and reduce the spread of the pandemic.
(3) Under the instructions of the Executive Yuan, a COVID-19 vaccination reservation platform was established, increasing vaccine accessibility and convenience for the public. In addition, the "Taiwan V-Watch System" was set up. Vaccine recipients could report their health condition after vaccination on the system, which would automatically give out medical recommendations and send a message as a reminder of the date of next vaccination.
Chapter 3 Communicable Disease Preparedness and
Response, and Infection Control
ā–¸Section 1 Emerging Communicable Disease Preparedness and
1. International port quarantine: in 2021, 474,232 people entered Taiwan. 2,592 people with symptoms were found by infrared temperature measurement and voluntary declaration. There were 521 confirmed cases of statutory communicable diseases (8 people infected with dengue fever, 1 with chikungunya fever, and 512 with severe pneumonia with novel pathogens.) These measures effectively prevented confirmed cases from entering the community, reducing the strain on the community.
2. The Communicable Disease Prevention Medical Network continues to be operational, as seen in Figure 6-8. In 2021, there were 140 isolation hospitals. Each region in the network designates one hospital response hospital and one cooperation hospital in the region. Response hospitals regularly conduct the inspection of negative pressure isolation rooms, organize their respective drills and training sessions, take stock of emergency response capacity, and bolster emergency response plans to maximize the synergy of the regional joint defense mechanism.
3. In response to the domestic outbreak in May 2021, 23 response/isolation hospitals, such as the Heping Fuyou Branch of Taipei City Hospital, started to accommodate COVID-19 patients. When the outbreak showed signs of easing, they returned to their normal operation.
4. The epidemic prevention supplies reserve and management mechanism continued to be enhanced. To improve the efficiency of reserves of epidemic prevention supplies, Taiwan CDC established a three-level reserve management system coordinating epidemic prevention supplies at hospitals as well as the central and local authorities. This has optimized smart management systems for epidemic prevention supplies and improved the efficiency of allocation and coordination and maintained the protective equipment

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