Page 157 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 157

 3. Preventive Service Program for Domestic Violence Offenders
(1) The 0800-013-999 male hotline was established to consult men in domestic conflicts and reduce the chance of violence. In 2021, the hotline received 9,296 calls and serving 7,152 person- times (including 219 in-depth services, 6,919 general consultation services and 14 emergency case services).
(2) Surplus from the public welfare lottery subsidize domestic violence offender prevention and treatment services programs, which are jointly hosted by local governments and NGOs. In 2021, there were 34 programs subsidized, with total subsidized of NTD 43.47 million.
▏Section 4 Quality of Domestic Violence Prevention and Education
1. Promoting the "Domestic Violence Safety Net Program": For victims of domestic violence assessed to be in a life-threatening situation, cross-platform conferences were convened by municipal, cities and county governments every month to draw up a comprehensive safety program for victims. A total of 527 cross network platform conferences were conducted in 2021 with 9,842 cases put up for discussion. Intervention by the preventive network reduced the level of risk in 5,304 cases, or 54%.
2. Strengthening the professional knowledge of domestic violence prevention and control personnel: In 2021, training for children and youth who witnessed domestic violence, on employment and self-reliance for victims of domestic violence, family-centered violence social work practice, multi-problem violent families and younger to older relative violence practice. A total of 457 people completed training.
3. The precision plan of Taiwan Intimate Partner Violence Danger Assessment tools: In order to upgrade the precision of intimate partner violence danger assessment, the MOHW developed the simplified and advanced versions TIPVDA for the use of front line staff.
Chapter 3 Prevention of Sexual Assault and Sexual
Sexual assault and sexual harassment issues tend to involve issues including gender inequality and power and control. In addition, the general public often holds gender misconception over victims of sexual assault and sexual harassment. To actively enhance the willingness to accept service intervention and receive proper services of victims of sexual assault and sexual harassment, multiple and appropriate treatment services were provided for victims and offenders of sexual assault and sexual harassment, and sexual assault and sexual harassment prevention education was arranged for the public, and the professional service competence and handling skills of online prevention personnel are strengthened to protect the rights and interests of service recipients.
▏Section 1 Status of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Services
1. Overview of sexual assault services
(1) In 2021, a total of 7,787 victims were reported, where 82% were female, including 47% aged 12-18, and 9.37% were probable or confirmed persons with disabilities; 85% of suspects were male, including 40% aged 12-24. The majority of cases (82%) were sexual assault by someone known to the victim; furthermore, 6% were sexual assault by a stranger. Most cases were relationships between boyfriends and girlfriends (19%) with ex-boyfriends and ex- girlfriends in second (11%).
Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Protective Services

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