Page 20 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
P. 20

▏Section 3 Life Expectancy
In 2021, Taiwan's life expectancy at birth came in at 80.9 years, representing a 1.8-year increase over a decade. The male life expectancy was 77.7 years and the female life expectancy
was 84.3 years. Their respective increases of 1.7 years for both males and females over the past 10 years. The gender gap in life expectancy was between 6.4 and 6.6 years. (Figure 2-5 and Table 2, Appendix 1).
 Figure 2-5
Years 90
Life Expectancy at Birth, by Year
Total Population Male
83.2 83.6 80.2
80.9 81.3 80.9
83.4 83.7 80.4
84.0 84.2
  82.6 82.8 79.5
80.0 79.8 76.9 76.7
80.0 76.8
77.5 77.7
            79.1 76.0
                   2011 2012
Source: Ministry of the Interior, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
Chapter 2 Vital Indicators
2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 Year
2013 2014
 ▏Section 1 Ten Leading Causes of Death
Economic transformation, better quality of life, and improved health care have led to changes in the leading causes of death. In 1952, acute and communicable diseases took the most lives in Taiwan; today, malignant neoplasms(cancer), accidents, and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases represent the main causes.
Selecting the underlying cause of death has followed ICD-10 version 2016 since 2019, the mortality rates for causes reflected greater differential compared to those from 2018. In order to facilitate better comparison of data for different years, the mortality data for 2018 has
been recalculated based on ICD-10 version 2016 and the ratio between the old and new data has been referred to as the "conversion ratio". The past decade data multiplied by "conversion ratio" has been referred to as the "value adjusted by conversion ratio" which is a separate item from the original releases of statistical data. For all analyses presented in this report, the data from previous years before 2018 are all "value adjusted by conversion ratio".
In 2021, there were 184,172 deaths and the crude mortality rate was 784.8 per 100,000 population, an increase of 6.9% compared to 2020 and an increase of 19.7% compared to 2011. The standardized mortality rate [based on the WHO standard world population age structure for 2000] was 405.5 per 100,000 population, an increase of 3.8% compared to 2020 and a decrease of 12.3% compared to 2011.

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