Page 40 - 2022 Taiwan Health and Welfare Report
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5. We have continuously promoted strabismus, amblyopia, and vision screenings for preschool children of 4 and 5 years of age. In 2021, the screening rate was 90.8%, with a 95.9% referral rate for suspected cases.
6. In 2021, Low (and extremely low) birthweight Home Care Trial Program was piloted in five network hospitals and four referral hospitals; 165 extremely low birthweight infants (≤1,500g) were accepted (case acceptance rate 95.9%, 172 infants discharged after meeting requirements); 20 low birthweight infants (1,500g-2,500g) were accepted (acceptance rate of 100%). Moreover, 94 home visits, 59 video interviews and 392 telephone interviews were conducted.
7. Adolescent health care personnel training courses were held, attended by 250 people; four adolescent-friendly health care related knowledge and skill digital courses were established, with 1,299 people completing training in 2021.
8. Achievements in tobacco hazards prevention among adolescents.
(1) Regarding the MOHW's collaboration with local health bureau in inspecting tobacco vendors in 2021, over 260,000 inspections uncovered 207 cases of tobacco being sold to persons under 18, which in turn led to fines totaling over NTD 1.63 million. Separately, some 330,000 inspections uncovered 1,799 cases under 18 smoking; 1,432 cases have completed smoking cessation education.
(2) According to the results of the undercover purchase test in 2021, 31.6% of tobacco products vendors illegally sold tobacco products to persons under the age of 18. Among them, the violation rate of the four major convenience stores was 22.2%, and the violation rates of betel nut stalls and traditional grocery stores were 37.4% and 37.9%, respectively. The violation rate in 2021 is slightly lower than the rate of 37.1% in 2020. County and city governments have been asked to strengthen their guidance and inspections.
(3) The "Don't touch e-cigarette" website was established on Yahoo for e-cigarette prevention and one page diagrams made for easy viewing, matched with multiple cross-media campaign and key word adverts to enhance promotion benefits. Total exposure was over 50 million times.
Chapter 2 Unhealthy Habits
In 2018, the WHO listed unhealthy behaviors (such as smoking and betel nut chewing), the harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and air pollution as the leading risk factors for noncommunicable diseases. To ensure a healthy population and reduce everyday hazards, the MOHW has committed itself to promoting healthy lifestyles in different settings, banning cigarettes, advising against betel nut chewing, publicizing the hazards of alcohol, and fighting air pollution.

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