Page 10 - 111年衛生福利年報簡介及有聲書
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   8 中華 民國 111 年版 衛生福利年報簡介 在醫事人力方面,訂定15類醫 事人員管理法規,持續辦理各 類醫事人員培育、養成計畫及 在職訓練、專科醫師甄審領證 及畢業後一般醫學訓練計畫, 110年醫事人員執業人數共計 34萬7,755人。另為保障醫師 勞動權益,住院醫師自108年9 月1日起適用勞動基準法並同步 推動醫療法修法,增訂醫師勞 動權益專章草案。此外,為減 少醫療糾紛,促進醫病關係和 諧,持續進行生產高風險管控 及通報機制,辦理生產事故救 濟,110年度審定核予救濟計 301件,並積極推動多元化訴訟 外處理機制,建置關懷諮詢平 臺,創立醫法雙調處模式。另 為建立中醫師臨床訓練制度, 110年輔導117家院所收訓538 位學員進行負責醫師訓練;並 試辦中醫專科醫師訓練。 在提升醫療服務品質方面,以 病人為中心,推行醫院評鑑制 度,110年底計有415家醫院經 醫院評鑑合格;訂定醫療品質 及病人安全工作年度目標,建 置病人安全事件通報機制,辦 理器官勸募及推廣,建置器官 移植資料,促進捐贈器官有效 運用,增進國民健康。110年 電子病歷交換中心新增到院前 心肺功能停止(OCHA)及創傷 (TRAUMA)二類急重症單張; 另醫事人員行動憑證,截至110 年底已有12家醫院申請使用。 運用遠距視訊科技與補助專業 人員技術服務,積極支持位 於離島偏遠地區所屬醫院,提 升服務品質,落實在地醫療, 以維護民眾權益。並秉持「醫 In terms of medical manpower, Taiwan currently has 15 laws and regulations governing the licensing requirements of medical personnel and the Ministry has continued to organize and host talent training, incubation project and OTJ training for different medical personnel, specialist physician certification programs and general post-graduate medical training programs. As of 2021, Taiwan had 347,755 practicing health professionals. In addition, effective from September 1, 2019, resident physicians shall be subject to the Labor Standards Act amendment of the Medical Care Act and has been promoted by adding a draft section on the labor rights of physicians. Also, in an effort to reduce disputes over medical care and harmonize physician-patient relationships, the MOHW has continued to conduct high birth risk control and report mechanism, and provided relief for childbirth accidents approved a total of 301 applications in 2021 while actively promoting diverse alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and has established a care consulting platform and created the medical legal department dual investigation model. On top of that, a clinical training system for Chinese medical physicians is going to be established. In 2021, guided 117 institutions to accept 538 students for responsible doctor training, and conducted trial training for specialized Chinese medicine doctors. With regards to improving the quality of medical care, the Ministry sought to promote a patient-centered hospital accreditation system, as of the end of 2021, a total of 415 hospitals were certified, stipulated annual objectives for healthcare quality and patient safety and a patient safety reporting system. By persuading and promoting organ donation and establishing a database for organ transplant data, the Ministry maintained the effective operation of EMR Exchange Center to enable interinstitutional exchange of records improving the health of citizens. In 2021, the EMR Exchange Center (EEC) added fliers of category two severe diseases (OHCA and TRAUMA). In addition, medical staff were certified. As of the end of 2021, 12 hospitals have applied for use. The MOHW utilizes telemedicine technology and the subsidization of medical specialists’ services, and has committed to actively supporting hospitals in remote and   

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